- See more at: http://www.http://allaroundanatomy.blogspot.com/2014/09/weight-gain-during-pregnancy.html?spref=pi popuparchitect.com

Sunday, September 28, 2014


source: twitpic
The color of the skin in the different races is due to pigmentation. The important pigment of the skin is melanin, of which there are many types widely distributed in the animal kingdom and range from yellow through brown to black in color.
In man, melanin occurs chiefly in the epidermis, and in the white race, in cells of the basal layer, where it tends to be disposed on the sunny side of the nuclei. Melanin occurs in the form of fine brown to black granules, but these commonly clump together if the pigment is abundant. The content of melanin in the epidermis is responsible for the difference in the color of the skins of the different races (black, brow, yellow and white). All have some melanin in their skins. An inherent inability in any individual of any race to produce melanin results in Albinism. Increased amount of melanin appear in the epidermis of white skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet light; this is called sun-tanning. The cells that synthesize melanin are melanocytes. The cell bodies of melanocytes are disposed either just beneath or between the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis. Before they make melanin, they appear in the basal layer as clear cells. The cell bodies of melanocytes in either position send out long processes which extend between or under epidermal cells; mostly the basalis and spinous layers. These processes end on epidermal cells. In due course, the melanin granules made by melanocytes, are taken into the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells reached by the long processes of the melanocytes.
By this means, the ordinary epithelial cells of the basal layer come to contain melanin pigments. It follows therefore that melanocytes cannot be distinguished from true epidermal cells by or because of their contained pigment. Histochemical test which pick out cells that have the functioning metabolic equipment required to make the pigment are used. This test is known as dopa test based on dopa reaction.

BONUS: The skin is the largest organ in the human body. That is as all around anatomy as it can get.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Carrying a lot of extra weight at the start of pregnancy can increase your risk of complications during pregnancy and labour. For example, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, a big baby, and probably need for a caesarean. By the end of pregnancy a female may weigh about 12.5kg more than her non-pregnant weight. Additional weight could as a result of
·         Baby weight – 3.3kg
·         Placenta weight – 0.7kg
·         The amniotic fluid, which supports and cushions baby – 0.8kg
The other 2/3rd because of changes that happen to your body anatomy
·         The uterus grows an extra 0.9kg
·         Blood volume an extra 1.2kg
·         Extra body fluids – 1.2kg
·         Breasts weigh extra 0.4
·         Stored fat about 4kg to give you energy for breastfeeding.
You shouldn’t diet in pregnancy eat a healthy, balanced diet choose fresh fruit, wholegrain, crackers and low-fat cheese, a  yoghurt, or a handful of dried fruit. Swap full-sugar drinks for water. For more options ask your dietician.
Pregnancy and stretch marks are common occurrence; there are ways to reduce the developing stretch marks, though you may not be able to prevent them entirely. Pay close attention to your weight, diet and skin. Eat healthy food and avoid gaining weight quickly because this can stretch the skin. Drink lots of water and take supplements than contain VitaminC, VitaminE and Zinc. Gentle massage by emollients, cocoa butter. Keep away from losing weight too quickly post-pregnancy.
Congenital defects to watch out for? Which abnormalies can be seen on the scan?
Anomaly (18-20 weeks)
ü  Absence of the top of the head
ü  Cleft lip
ü  Defect of the abdominal wall (bowel/liver or intestine protrusion)
ü  Missing or very short limbs
ü  Spina bifida
ü  Major kidney problems
ü  Diaphragmatic hernia
ü  Hydrocephalus

ü  Chromosomal abnormalities
Some conditions may not be seen but having anomaly scans will most likely rule out all these conditions, as vast majority of babies are born healthy.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


These signs maybe present a few days after conception,
·         Spotting also known as “breakthrough bleeding” which is bleeding from the womb that occurs between menstrual periods; and Cramping (6-12 days after fertilization).
·         There also be the appearance of white, milky discharge from vagina.
·         Breast: swollen, sore, or tingly a week or two later. It may feel heavier or fuller and/or feel tender to touch. Areola may also darken.
·         Of course morning sickness, fatigue, food craving or aversions, irregular or missed periods

Pregnancy test “+ve”
Small goose-bumps like raised areas on the areola. May be multiple in number, though varies from woman to woman. This is considered a possible sign of pregnancy thought to be protective of the areola and keep it healthy during pregnancy and lactation. Many women worry about these or try to pop them. This is not necessary and can be painful or cause infection if you try to pop them. Simply leave it be.
Clinicals. Pregnancy induced hypertension is defined as hypertension that develops as a direct result of pregnancy. Diagnosis of pre-eclampsia:
ü  An absolute rise in blood pressure of atleast 140/90
ü  Or systolic greater than 30mmHg and diastolic greater than 15mmHg
ü  Edema and Proteinuria
Who at risk of pre-eclampsia?
ü    Primigravida: that is a woman experiencing her first pregnancy
ü    Diabetic patient
ü    Obese patient
ü    Pre existing vascular disease
ü    Thrombophilia
ü    Insulin resistant patient
ü    Patients with twin pregnancy
Hence the need for every pregnant woman to go through ante-natal care for early detection and treatment, thereby saving both mother and child’s lives
Food to eat or avoid during pregnancy?
First foods to eat: Eggs, Salmon fish, beans, sweet potatoes, pop corn and other whole grains. Walnuts, yoghurts, dark green, leafy vegetables, lean meats or white meats, including colourfulo fruits and veggies. Oops I have mentioned that earlier.
Foods to totally avoid during pregnancy: raw, undercooked or contaminated seafood containing mercury, unpasteurized foods, uncooked eggs, red meats, excess caffeine, herbal tea, alcohol, and drugs especially those not prescribed by your doc.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


1.  Men have erections every hour and half while sleeping.
2.  The small intestine has an average length of 20-23 feet.
3.  Every day the average person sheds 60-100 strands of hair.
4.  Every minute, 300million cells in your body die.
5.  You are more likely to have a bad dream in a cold room.
6.  Your body produces 300billion new red blood cells each day.
7.  Tongue prints, like thumb prints are all unique.
8.  You need to lose about 50% of your hair to begin to even give off the appearance of balding.
9.  All babies start off with blue eyes.
10.                   The surface area of Lungs is roughly 750 Sq.ft or a nice-sized apartment with a room for relaxing and walk-in closet.
11.                   Your body uses 43 muscles to frown.
12.                   When you wake up, you’re 1cm taller than you will be when you go to bed.
13.                   With 52 of them, feet account for one quarter of your entire body’s bones.
14.                   You could remove the stomach, the spleen, one kidney, 80% of the intestine and 75% of liver and still be able to survive.
15.                   Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170miles per hour.
16.                   Over the course of an average lifespan, a person will have created two pools worth of saliva.
17.                   The nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
18.                   Approximately every 27 days you shed and regrow outer skin cells.
19.                   It only takes 17muscles to smile.
20.                   It is estimated that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
21.                   The average person farts 14 times a day

22.                   For about 30 minutes, every person on earth was a single, solitary cell.