- See more at: http://www.http://allaroundanatomy.blogspot.com/2014/09/weight-gain-during-pregnancy.html?spref=pi popuparchitect.com

Monday, December 28, 2009

Intuitive Fitness - 7 Steps to Get Your desired shape

The best way to finally gain control over your weight, your fitness and your health is not through dieting, it's not through starvation or over training, it's deciding once and for all to use your inherent intuitive ability (your "GUT" instincts) and work in conjunction with your body . . . instead of against it!! As a former fitness instructor and personal trainer for over 30 years, I have seen one gimmick after another come into the health and fitness market with its promises of rapid weight loss and false fitness claims. You have ultimate control over making the changes you want to make. But . . . you must take a different approach from a different perspective to get permanent results. In this article, I will briefly outline the steps you can take today to get the results you desire . . . the results YOU deserve! So . . . let's get your "gut" in gear!

Step 1: Ask your body what it needs - Go into a state of relaxation either sitting quietly or in meditation; and with your intuitive mind, ask what your body needs . . . and then listen. Use the power of your intuition, your "gut instincts." Write it down. We have lost connection with our bodies; it's time to reconnect!

Step 2: Tell your body what you want - Visualize and feel your ideal body. Every night before you go to sleep and every morning the minute you wake up and as much as you can during the day . . . get a good visual of what you want your body to look and feel like. And act as if it has already happened.

Step 3: Balance - This is nature's scale. Our bodies are amazing works of art and science, an amazing system of biological intelligence that does exactly what nature calls for. Treat your body as the intelligent system that it is. Overdoing anything is not good practice. Eat with balance in mind. Put "good" energetic thoughts into what you eat. If you tend to be hungry all time, eat more nutritious foods. Your body is trying to tell you it's starving, starving for nutrition that is.

Step 4: Water - You've heard it 100 times; did you really listen? I struggle with this one myself. But water is a critical element, literally, and our bodies need it to run efficiently. Any perceived lack in the body triggers "starvation programs" within the body. These need to be reset. This is what we are trying to accomplish by following the steps outlined. Once the programs are reset, your weight or, more importantly, your health becomes much easier to maintain.

Step 5: Eat Live Foods - Our bodies are living, breathing systems that hold our "life force." It requires "life force" from foods to function optimally. Can you "survive" on junk food? Sure you can, but for how long? We are poisoning our bodies with chemicals, which throw our systems more out of balance chemically. -- We are talking about a literal chemical reaction in the body that keeps "fat" from being utilized properly. Our bodies actually "hold on" to that fat, and so the cycle continues. If you really listen to your body intuitively, you would change immediately what foods you put into it. Feed your body fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. for the life force they provide. Juicing is an excellent source of life force. Try a little wheat grass while you're at it!

Step 6: Get Moving! - That seems pretty intuitive doesn't it? Our bodies need exercise. But exercise in balance. Walking everyday for 30-40 minutes is all you really need. I like to carry a set of hand weights to provide a little resistance as well for the muscles. Your body is pure energy; it needs to take on and release energy to stay in balance. Now that's a nice way to view it . . . isn't it? Pretty simple and intuitive!

Step 7: Herbs, oils, salt baths - To de-stress and re-connect with our bodies, try salt baths with herbs and oils of your choosing. Stress keeps the "fat program" ON. This is an excellent way to turn it OFF. Lavender oil is one of my favorites. Use your intuition and discover what works best for you!

It's time to form a new relationship with your body - an intuitive relationship. When you pay attention to your body's needs and view it from a different perspective, the possibilities are endless!!

About the Author
Kim Page, Golden Colorado US

Kim Page is a Speaker, Author, Mystic and a Guide. As a former Corporate Executive and climbing the corporate ladder over the past 25 years Kim has developed many great skills especially in the realm of leadership and coaching. Kim also has an extensive background (over 30 years) in the Health and Fitness Industry as a Group Fitness Trainer, Personal Trainer and coach. She has spent the past 15 years studying Metaphysics earning a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Science. The Intuitive Mind Institute www.intuitivemindinstitute.com located in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, is dedicated to assisting anyone who is interested is developing the power of their intuition. This is a place where… expansion happens, perceptions change, and inner wisdom is revealed.

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