- See more at: http://www.http://allaroundanatomy.blogspot.com/2014/09/weight-gain-during-pregnancy.html?spref=pi popuparchitect.com

Friday, June 5, 2015


  • ·         Blue-eyed babies’ eyes sometimes…change color
  • ·         Studies have shown that if you wear glasses that flip images upside down most people’s brains will adjust and perceive it as NORMAL.
  • ·         Each half of your retina receives half of an image, your brain processes it and forms it into the picture you’re used to seeing.
  • ·         Our brains can process an image in as little as 13 milliseconds!
  • ·         Your peripheral vision is low resolution
  • ·         All blue-eyed Europeans probably share a single, common ancestor
  • ·         All humans originally had brown eyes.
  • ·         On average, you blink 15-20 times per minute
  • ·         20/20 vision is not perfect vision but rather being able to see 20 feet in front of you.
  • ·         If you’re nearsighted, then you eyeball is longer than normal.
  • ·         If you are farsighted, then your eyeball maybe shorter than normal.
  • ·         Your tears have different compositions based on whether your tears are caused by irritation, crying or yawning.
  • ·         Your eye constantly makes tiny jerky movements called Microsaccades to keep objects from going out of focus.
  • ·         Resolution of Iphone  6 camera equals 8 megapixels; resolution of the human eye about 576 megapixels.


Have you ever wondered what is responsible for your body’s ability to lose or gain weight, regulate energy, synthesize protein and the total metabolic power of your beautiful body? It is your thyroid.
The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the human anatomy. It is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage ( what we commonly call the Adam’s apple).
Known to be the master gland of metabolism, thyroid hormones are important in regulating body energy, the body’s use of other hormones and vitamins. Thyroid helps the growth and maturation of body tissues. It also controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes by producing thyroid hormones.

When your thyroid doesn’t function, it can affect every aspect of your health, precisely, weight, depression and energy levels. Undiagnosed thyroid problems can drastically increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, skin reactions, anxiety, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, infertility and host of other symptoms and health problems. It is important that you don’t go undiagnosed.
Diseases of the thyroid gland can result in either production of too much (overactive thyroid disease or hyperthyroidism), too little (underactive thyroid disease or hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone, thyroid nodules, and or goiter.
Thyroid problems seem to be on the rise when looking over the past few years and medical professionals and other relevant bodies are understandably worried. It is on record that all types of thyroid problems in women are much more common than thyroid disorders in men.

Some of the common and known symptoms of undiagnosed thyroid problems include:
  1. ·         Muscle and joint pains in the hands, arms and legs and feet.
  2. ·         Discomfort and or enlargement of the neck especially when wearing a turtle neck or neckties. Also here, a sudden hoarse voice or a visibly enlarged thyroid can be a signal that the person has undiagnosed thyroid problem.
  3. ·         Severe long-term constipation is frequently associated with hypothyroidism, while diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is associated with hyperthyroidism.
  4. ·         Menstrual irregularities and Fertility problems.

There are a lot things we can do to prevent living with any thyroid problem. Top on the list include a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Sea salt, Seafood and Shellfish, Garlic and Onions, Iodine, fish and shellfish are good food that will help the thyroid.
An underperforming thyroid, or hypothyroid, does not produce enough hormones, and causes muscle cramps, fatigue and most commonly, weight gain. A diet intended to help hypothyroid conditions includes low glycemic foods, lean proteins and high fibers. Your diet include seafood, eggs, poultry, apples, beans, green leafy vegetables and all-bran cereals, cold-water fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

Other foods high in sulphur, also cause thyroid troubles. These foods include soybeans, tofu, pine nuts and canola oil. Also avoid refined foods, refined sugar, wheat, caffeine and alcohol, and exercise regularly.
Also, in their raw forms, cabbage, sprouts, peaches and spinach will cause thyroid problems; avoid them.

  • There are other things that we can do to ward off thyroid disorders including;
  • ·         Decrease soy intake: Soy contains isoflavones which have been known to cause thyroid problems.
  • ·         Quit smoking: the many toxins in cigarettes will affect your thyroid.
  • ·         Stay stress free: Too much is never good. This causes problems in many areas and thyroid is one of them. Using exercise in any form can help reduce stress which can prevent thyroid problems.


They help in curing a number of diseases and also the reduction of the possibility of cancer.


If you are from suffering from asthma, onions are good for you. For a simple home remedy on preventing an asthma attack, add half a tablespoon of honey with half a table spoon of onion juice and have a mixture three to four times daily, it keeps future asthma attacks at bay.


Onions contain a peptide called GCP which is said to prevent osteoporosis, so if you want to keep this dreaded bone disease away, eat onions.
  1. ·         REDUCE DIABETES

Onions have the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Allyl propyl disulphate and diallyl disulphide in the onions are believed to lower blood sugar levels.

They also help to increase the productivity of insulin. Consume onions with garlic to enhance the effects of onions for preventing diabetes.

Onions contain a number of sulphides and flavonoids (quercetin) that can prevent attacks and other CVDs. Quercetin also helps reduce the level of cholesterol.
  1. ·         CANCER PREVENTION 

Onions contain anti-oxidants like quercetin and phenol which reduces the possibility of cancer especially cancer in the head and neck region.
  1. ·         CURING INSOMNIA 

The easiest and cheapest way to bring back sleep is onions! It also cures insomnia. Apart from these major onion health benefits, there are some other health benefits…will leave you to that.